Véronique Ducret Psychologue sociale, fondatrice du Deuxième Observatoire, Genève Invitation Déjeuner novembre 2016
Quand le harcèlement devient un obstacle au travail – Reconnaître, détecter et agir

Véronique Ducret Psychologue sociale, fondatrice du Deuxième Observatoire, Genève Invitation Déjeuner novembre 2016
In today’s quest for a more gender balanced society, our members have expressed a keen interest in this topic and it became obvious for the CWF to organize their 5th Forum «WOMEN’S ADDED VALUE IN THE ECONOMY» (WAVE) on «CLOSING THE GENDER GAP: the present and the future» in order to share food for thoughts. […]
We will hear our prestigious speakers from Temenos, Cartier and SGS, sharing their insights on sustainability applied to microfinance, sustainability as an innovation catalyst and sustainability as a differentiator for companies to attract new talents. Moreover this year all the participants will have the opportunity to take part and contribute with their reflections during the […]
The following key-note speakers and subject matter experts introduced the concept of Authentic Leadership, analyzing its influence on advancing diversity and inclusion. John Antonakis, Professor of Organizational Behavior at University of Lausanne Bertrand Levrat, CEO of the Geneva University Hospitals Fabienne Lupo, President and Managing Director of the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie Valérie Peyre, […]
What motivated a talented, young economist to leave a career full of promise at the IMF? How did her work in over 30 countries and her unique experience in Palestine during the Second Intifada affect her life?
Speaking at our June lunch, Anna Lennblad will share her professional journey starting at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to a career as an independent consultant in economic statistics and modelling. She will talk about the challenges she faced at varying stages of her career in contrasting work environments and her experience as a young woman in Ramallah. She will share how these shaped her life, her behavior and future career moves.
Join us for our closing season lunch conference and meet Anna Lennblad.
Many hats, just one woman – Abir OREIBI is an entrepreneur, investor, founder and board member. Her ambition : to understand the impact and potentiel of technology on businesses and society. This led her career path in various sectors in Europe and Asia, even contributing to build the Chinese E-commerce Group Alibaba, one of the most successful internet companies.
She is like a concentrate of globalisation on her own : A Swiss citizen, from Libyan origin, with over 10 years experience woking in Asia!
How does she succeed in all these different domains?
What did she learn from all these experiences?
Come to this CWF lunch conference to listen to Abir’s tips and tricks! She will share her experience as business visionary and mother/ step-mother of 5!
Venez écouter Sandrine Salerno parler de son propre parcours politique à moins d’un mois du premier tour de l’élection au Grand Conseil. Vous comprendrez ainsi les étapes qu’elle a dû franchir pour s’imposer dans cet univers bien spécifique. Comment Sandrine Salerno s’est-elle préparée pour briguer un siège de Conseillère d’Etat ? Comment résister face aux critiques ? Comment réagir face à un échec ? Comment contrôler son image ? Comment utiliser les médias à bon escient ? Voici autant de questions qui trouveront une réponse lors cette conférence.
Challenges and opportunities in the digital revolution Artificial intelligence has reached new frontiers with machines now surpassing humans in activities that require creativity and intuition. As a result, half of today’s jobs could potentially be automated. How can we prepare for this quick technological revolution? Which jobs will stay and which new ones will be […]
Venez écouter Luciana Vaccaro, rectrice de la Haute Ecole Spécialée de la Suisse Occidentale, nous raconter l’évolution de cette institution universitaire spécifique à la Suisse permettant aux étudiants une rapide entrée sur le marché du travail grâce à une formation pratique et théorique.
Comment faire évoluer les formations pour qu’elles soient utiles aux métiers de demain avec l’évolution du numérique ? Comment avoir davantage d’étudiantes dans les filières scientifiques et techniques ?
Au-delà des défis posés à la HES-SO, Luciana Vaccaro nous éclairera également sur son propre parcours. Physicienne de formation, mariée et mère de 2 enfants, Luciana Vaccaro n’a jamais perçu de difficulté à concilier vie professionnelle et vie privée. Engagée en faveur de la promotion professionnelle des femmes, elle n’hésite pas à donner des trucs et astuces à ses étudiantes souhaitant faire carrière.