Meet Role Model

Corporate Event at Kudelski Security

Hillary Clinton VS Donald Trump. We know what happened. It was all about what Hillary called “the darker side of technology” Kudelsky Security is the market leader in media content security and public access solutions.

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9th WAVE Conference: Reinvent yourself. Innovate your Career!

The increasing Impermanence of Work requires you to Change. Are you ready?

Today more than ever before, working life is impermanent. Change is imposed upon us – unemployment, mergers, acquisitions, physical rupture, artificial intelligence – other times we embrace radically new career shifts, following our hearts and taking control of our work lives. Why? Which are the main drivers of career changes? Which are the challenges and opportunities? Are you ready to plan your career differently, or, a variety of careers?

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How to tackle the many difficulties entrepreneurs face today?

Dorothy Tembo will talk about ITC’s mandate to reinforce the private sector in developing countries, focusing on women and supporting them to develop further and help tackle difficulties through a new application that facilitates networking and visibility amongst women leaders. Indeed, women’s contribution to the economy is undeveloped everywhere. One of ITC’s goals is to improve that through trade and export.


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La stratégie digitale au coeur du Conseil d’administration

Aline Isoz, experte en transformation digitale Face à une transformation digitale mondialisée, les membres d’un conseil d’administration sont souvent hésitants et perplexes face aux nouvelles opportunités offertes par les nouvelles technologies. En effet, la digitalisation peut être perçue comme une question purement informatique, raison pour laquelle ce domaine est souvent délégué à un CIO, CTO […]

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L’Egalité des sexes en Suisse : où en est-on ?

Venez débattre des nouvelles avancées en matière d’égalité des sexes en Suisse avec une conférencière d’exception, Sylvie Durrer, directrice du Bureau fédéral de l’égalité, lors du lunch du 25 septembre. Deux décennies après la votation sur l’égalité entre femmes et hommes, il est temps de faire le point sur l’égalité en Suisse. Comment devenir partir […]

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