
Sister Lucy Kurien


Sister Lucy Kurien – Director and Founder of the Maher Association – CWF’s chosen solidarity project for International Philanthropy

40 years – 40 women * Theme: Solidarity


Who are you in a few words?

A catholic nun who decided to reach out and help the poor around me.

What are the ingredients of your success?

Practicing and fostering interfaith, honesty and selfless service.

What would you do differently if you could?

Maher does a lot of work for the people.  If Maher were more tech savvy, we could increase our web presence to reach out to people who will help us and help the underprivileged.

What is the best advice you would give to women who want to develop professionally?

My advice to women is: keep going with courage without neglecting your family especially your children.

How does the word Solidarity resonate with you?  What does it evoke?

The word Solidarity itself is very close to my heart.  When I see people ready to open their hearts and help others, that gets me motivated.

What are the reasons that motivate you to get involved in the field of Solidarity?

To see the kindness and compassion of the people beyond borders motivates me every day to keep going.

How do you see the world of Solidarity and you within evolving in the future?

I feel the future of the world is about increased Solidarity and mutual support in every aspect of life.

What is the message you would like to share with women around Solidarity?

I am too small a person to give a message, yet but my gut feeling is that Solidarity is the keyword for a time like the one we live in. Women should keep going with courage and believe in the transforming power they have!


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