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Entreprises: Recruter sans biais de genre

Evénement organisé par le Service d'égalité de l'Université de Genève - Deux membres du CWF  font partie du panel

A l’occasion de l’événement «Libérez vos idées : semaine de l’entrepreneuriat» et dans le cadre du Projet Interrégional Laboratoire de l’Egalité – PILE, porté par l’Université de Franche-Comté et l’Université de Genève, le Service égalité organise une table ronde autour des biais de genre lors des recrutements.

Complex Negotiation Techniques for Women Leaders

AK+Partners Place de Savoie 2, Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland

“Discover how to overcome challenges when facing complex negotiations”

Negotiations have become increasingly complex: extreme time pressure, stakes which are difficult to pinpoint, multiple stakeholders, irrational behaviors, threats, bad faith, ultimatums.

The ADN Complex Negotiation, developed by one of the world’s leading complex negotiation firms, the ADN Group (, is based on an operational and pragmatic approach using the PACIFICAT© methodology. It relies on the unique experience of the ADN founders, field negotiators, and is designed for all parties involved, no matter whether such negotiations are sporadic or frequent, in complex negotiations: human resources, social relations, buying/selling, crisis negotiation, diplomacy, doctor – patient relationships, etc.

Complex Negotiation Techniques for Women Leaders – 2

AK+Partners Place de Savoie 2, Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland

After a sold-out 1st workshop, Stéphanie Kveton, CWF Member, Director of AK+Partners, presents a 2nd session…

“Discover how to overcome challenges when facing complex negotiations”

Negotiations have become increasingly complex: extreme time pressure, stakes which are difficult to pinpoint, multiple stakeholders, irrational behaviors, threats, bad faith, ultimatums.

Semaine de l’égalité en Ville de Genève

Numérique, c'est quoi ton #genre?

Du 1er au 9 mars 2019

Comment le numérique (re)définit-il le genre? Où sont les femmes dans les métiers du numérique? Internet est-il vraiment accessible à tous et toutes? Est-il un terrain d’émancipation féministe ou un monopole masculin? Que faire contre le cybersexisme et les différentes formes de harcèlement en ligne?

Vote Live! Best Pitch for Gender Equality

Campus Biotech Chemin des Mines 9, Geneva, 1202, Switzerland

Join us and vote for the best video pitch on gender-balanced businesses.

On the eve of International Women’s Day, watch the best five video pitches done by students from over 20 universities around the world.

A jury of international experts, business leaders, innovators, together with event participants will select the competition’s winner.

Gabriele Lechner Cherubini, Banque Pictet & Cie SA and CWF member, is a member of the jury.

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