
Dina Ionesco


Dina Ionesco – Migration Specialist at United Nation Climate Convention & Co-Director of MAMCE at Webster University

40 years – 40 women * Theme: Solidarity

Dina Ionesco has over 25 years of work experience at international level, with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the International Organization on Migration, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in the non-governmental sector, academia and as an independent consultant.

She was awarded the ‘Inspirational woman working to protect the environment’ distinction, as part of the 2016 International Women’s Day, at the initiative of UN Environment, the Geneva Environment Network and the Swiss Confederation.

Dina Ionesco joined the UN Climate Change Secretariat in November 2021, as a Manager in the Adaptation Division, with a focus non-regional groups, facilitating the partnership with the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) and enhancing the focus on human mobility and other cross-cutting issues.

To find out more about this inspiring personality, watch her full interview below.


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