We are the CWF

Meet our members

As an entrepreneur, the Career Women’s Forum is the perfect opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, connect with inspiring women from diverse professions and backgrounds, and find both personal and professional growth.

Ellen Kocher

Member since 2018 - Commmittee member

Whealthness - Owner -

Advancing as an individual and advancing as a community, we can, together, contribute to build up a world where women are treated equally, without the extra burden of being exceptional to just be considered good. CWF gives us all the opportunity to engage in this journey.

Stefania Di Cecca

Member since 2016 - President

- IBM Switzerland Ltd. - Client Executive Technology Leader

La ténacité nous permet d’atteindre des sommets. Adhérer au CWF, c’est se sentir partie intégrante d’une communauté vous offrant de nombreux outils pour réaliser votre ascension.

Fatima Bayol

Member since 2023 - Committee Member

DuPont - Global Senior Buyer Water and Protection

Remarkable women are all around us. Let’s get to know them. Let’s be them. Let’s lift them up! The success of every woman should be an inspiration to another.

Rodica Rosu Fridez

Member since 2021 - Committee Member

L'effet A - Business Development Director, Switzerland & Europe

L’âge n’est qu’un nombre ! Intégrer les femmes, qu’elles aient 20 ans, 40, 60 et plus, c’est ouvrir la porte à l’équilibre, l’égalité c’est assurer un partenariat fructueux sur le long terme et l’inclusion est tout simplement une question d’équité.

Gisèle Champion

Member since 2016 - Vice-President, Treasurer

BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA - Director

“L’admission des femmes à l’égalité parfaite serait la marque la plus sûre de la civilisation, et elle doublerait les forces intellectuelles du genre humain” – Stendhal

Jamila Pradère

Member since 2018 - Past-President

BCGE - Executive Director - Head of Private Banking Swiss Clients 1

« Construire, développer, inspirer et agir en vivant pleinement »

Mariama Raulet

Member since 2021 - Past Committee Member

See interview

Comptoir Immobilier SA - Project Manager - Membre de la Direction

Le CWF, de belles opportunités de partage et de développement de compétences, pour des femmes engagées !

Virginie Staub

Member since 2011, Past Committee member

See interview

Women-Impact - Business Development Consultant

Claudia Saviaux Druliolle

Member since 2018

See interview

IHEID - Directrice des Ressources Humaines

“I believe that developing human potential will enable smarter decision making, positively impacting businesses and society”

Emmanuelle Marcos

Member since 2019, Committee Member

See interview

Love in Leadership Sàrl - Founder and General Manager

“It is time for women to find their own genuine place: the world needs it ! At CWF we contribute to leverage women’s power !”

Christelle Patriarca

Member since 2011 - Past Committee Member

See interview

Data governance expert and Master coach - Puissance 8 - Coaching & Consulting

“Every event stimulates our thinking, and we meet fantastic people each time.”

Valentina Gizzi

Member since 2011, Past President

See interview

Edwards Lifesciences - Marketing and Commercial Operations Director

“At CWF, a huge diversity of women from a diversity of backgrounds think independently together with beauty and strength!”

Ellen Kocher

Member since 2018

See interview

Wealthness - Economist and Accredited Workplace Wellness Constulant

“Participer au programme de mentoring du CWF est une réelle opportunité: Soyez nombreuses à la saisir!”

Anne Dafflon Novelle

Member since 2008, Past President

See interview

Le Grand Clos - Project Manager

“The CWF offers an exciting diverse network and a window on the local community.”

Federica Stoppa

Member since 2014, Committee member

See interview

Corteva Agriscience - Global Supplier Excellence Team Leader

“Exchanging with others means benefiting from their views, ideas, and knowledge. It’s a simple way to make our inner world wider”

Elsa Ferreira

Member since 2013, Committee member

See interview

IHEID/ BCC - Project Manager

“L’être humain est plein de ressources qui sont démultipliées par le groupe bien conduit. L’intelligence collective soulève des montagnes.”

Véronique Riondel Angebault

Member since 2009, Past President

See Interview

Banque SYZ - Head of SYZ Independent Managers

“Les Membres du CWF inventent des chemins de vie à nul autre pareil !”

Catherine Charbonnier

Member since 2003, Past Committee Member

See interview

XpertIA - Experte en Intelligence Artificielle

“The success of CWF requires the active participation of its members.”

Annabella Cardone

Member since 2012, Past President

See interview

Kyndril - European Investment Manager

“CWF provides women great opportunities to share, learn from each other and grow together.”

Audrey Thomas

Member since 2013 - Past Committe Member

Lexmark - Enterprise Business and Contracts Director, EMEA

“Being part of the CWF helps you to develop professional opportunities, share knowledge and support and create new friendships.”

Lisa Parenti

Member since 1997, Past President

See Interview

Parenti Design - Founder and Managing Director

“Networking is a skill to be nurtured throughout your life – not only when you need help! One needs to give before one can hope to receive”

Eva Von Rohr

Member since 1984, Past President

Von Rohr & Associates SA - Managing Director and Founding Partner

“A boat doesn’t go forward if each one is rowing their own way.” Swahili proverb

Kathryne Bonvin-Bercel

Member since 2008, Past Committee member

See interview

Von Rohr & Associates - Director Career Transition & Coaching Practice

“The benefit of networking is the opportunity to open up your mind to alternatives in every aspect of life. It offers a chance to develop yourself and to help others by sharing.”

Monica Marinucci

Member since 2003 / Past Committee Member

See interview

Microsoft - Customer Success Lead

“Being independent requires a solid state of mind to handle insecurities, and a strong supportive network.”

Anne Deschamps

Founding member and first President, Member since 1982

See interview

AD Courtage immobilier - Managing Director

“Le CWF m’a ouvert les yeux: les femmes doivent saisir les opportunités et oser « entrer dans la lumière »! Yes, we can! Yes, I can! “

Hertha Baumann

Member since 2005, Past committee member

See interview

Banque Reyl & Cie Ltd - Head of Communications

“To become an entrepreneur you need to find your passion and your strengths, then to focus your energies onto the right fields.”

Jarina Hasi

Member since 2009, Past committee member

See interview

Active Languages - Partner and Managing Director

“Whenever I attend a CWF event, I leave with a smile, enthusiastic and energized.”

Esther Casas

Member since 2006, Past committee member

See interview

IMI Hydronic Engineering - General Counsel, Head of Legal and Compliance

“Dans le cadre du CWF, j’ai la chance de travailler aux côtés de femmes généreuses et intéressantes, sur des projets très variés”

Marianne Zutter

Member since 1997, Secrétaire du Career Women’s Forum

See interview

CWF - Secrétaire

“CWF offers a fantastic pool of professional women, with a huge variety of expertise and international backgrounds.”

Anne Hornung-Soukup

Member since 1984, Past President

TPG, Chair of Board -

“Le CWF offre un équilibre entre la promotion et le développement des femmes et un travail collaboratif avec des hommes et femmes engagés.”

Gaëlle Tanniou

Member since 2016

See interview

BAYA Consulting - Trainer, Training Manager and Coach

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