Get out of the box in both your personal and professional life

The term ‘disruption’ has been buzzing in the media for a while now, but what does it truly mean ‘to be disruptive’?

Many companies, businesses and individuals have achieved unprecedented results by challenging the status quo, exploring
new technology and innovation boundaries, looking at the bigger picture and thinking in a disruptive way. Overcoming failure
and breaking out of a comfort zone are two key elements to disruptive thinking. A direct relationship between disruption and
innovation is evident, and an experiential mindset is therefore essential in addressing positive disruption.

Join us to hear how our speakers have used disruption to bring changes in their personal lives, in the way they run their
business and in the new products they have created, and discover how you can change the way you think and act – feeling more
comfortable with disruption.



17:30 - 18:00


18:00 - 20:00


Anne Dafflon Novelle
CWF President

John Zimmer
Professional Speaker, Moderator


Jürgen Müller
Partner, PwC Switzerland
Disruption on personal and professional life

Barbara Kreissler
Director, B2G Professional Lighting, Signify
Impact of a disruptive product on our life, economy and environment

Jonathan Normand
Founder & Executive Director, BLab Switzerland
How to disrupt the current Business Model

Katt Cullen
Presenter & Senior Producer, World Radio Switzerland
Exercise on disruptive thinking

Mette Stannow
Executive Director, Wire Stone
Disruptive thinking to design innovative technology

Gib Bulloch
Social Intrapreneur
Call to action on disruption


Federica Stoppa
CWF Corporate Sponsors

20:00 - 21:30



Two hours panel discussion, followed by a networking cocktail


Maison de la Paix, Geneva
Auditorium Ivan Pictet (entrance in building Petale 2)
Maison de la Paix - Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2A - 1202 Geneva

Date & Time

21st January 2020, at 18:00
(registration at 17:30)


John Zimmer


in French and in English

Cocktail Dinner

at 20:00

Speaker – Jürgen Müller​

Partner, PwC Switzerland

Whatever it takes - be happy first

Business leader, passionate promoter of happiness at work as a key to company sustainability

A partner at PwC since 2005, Jürgen Müller dedicated his career to the service of his clients and held various management functions within PwC Switzerland.
Convinced that happy employees are key to the success and the sustainability of any company in 2010, Jürgen started his personal search for happiness at work and shears his thoughts and ideas since 2015 within PwC and outside. In November 2018 Jürgen was a speaker at the TEDx event in Geneva.

Speaker – Barbara Kreissler

International business leader, uniting private and public sectors for better energy and lighting solutions for smart city and state programs

Barbara Kreissler is Director of professional lighting in the global Public and Government Affairs department at Signify, formerly Philips Lighting.
She is responsible for global strategic outreach and stakeholder management of public-private partnerships with a focus on energy, climate change and smart city programs. She enables and facilitates the transition of cities, states and regions to energy-efficient, sustainable LED lighting solutions and IOT-enabled lighting systems and services.

Disruption is everywhere: with the introduction of smart LEDs, Signify has been at the forefront of the disruption to offer light beyond illumination.

Director, B2G Professional Lighting, Signify

Speaker – Jonathan Normand

Founder & Executive Director, BLab Switzerland

Expert in societal innovation and governance, championing new ways to do business as a force for the good of all

Expert in societal innovation and governance, Jonathan Normand spent more than 12 years in international structures before creating the consulting firm Codethic in 2009. He supports the development of the activities of B Lab Switzerland
since 2014, a non-profit organisation whose aim is to promote impact measurement, new legal forms, B Corp certification, and engagement programs to measure the contribution of the private sector to the Agenda 2030. Jonathan is a regular speaker at Swiss universities on the theme of the inclusive and regenerative economy.

Speaker – Mette Stannow

Digital marketing expert, customer experience advocate, passionate speaker on technology and innovation

Mette Stannow is the Executive Director of Wire Stone, a creative digital agency part of Accenture. Wire Stone specializes in creating innovative digital customer experiences using a powerful combination of strategy, creativity and emerging technology. She has deep expertise working on marketing and digital transformation projects for almost 20 years both agency and client side. She regularly speaks on topics of customer experience, emerging technology and the future of marketing. Mette holds a Master’s degree in Advertising and Communication from University of Technology Sydney, and a Bachelor of International Business from Copenhagen Business School. Born and raised in Denmark, Mette has lived, studied and worked all over the world from Copenhagen to Boston, New York to Sydney and now Geneva. 

Disruption is the new normal - accelerated by technology. Learn how to capitalize and thrive on that change to the benefit of you and your business.

Executive Director, Wire Stone 

Speaker – Gib Bulloch

Social Intrapreneur

Speaker, writer and facilitator with a unique perspective on the relationship between business, society and the self

Gib Bulloch is an award-winning social intrapreneur who consults, writes and speaks on a range of topics relating to the role of business in society. His first book: “The Intrapreneur: Confessions of a Corporate Insurgent” (2018) is a personal story of his 15-year journey to create and scale Accenture’s global “not-for-loss” consulting business, Accenture Development Partnerships. This innovative venture attracted significant media attention, won Accenture international awards for Corporate Social Responsibility and Gib himself was voted the UK’s Management Consultant of the year in 2008. His career ‘epiphany’ came from a year as a business volunteer with the charity Voluntary Service Overseas in the Balkans in 2000. Since then, he believes passionately in the power of business to change the world and in the power of the individual to change the world of business.

Trainer – Katt Cullen

DJ, circus trapeze-artist, Improv performer and believer in a “go-for-it” attitude to life

Katt Cullen is an improviser, performer and a radio presenter. She’s both an optimist and a pessimist in everything she does, but tends to go for it anyway. Katt seems to choose professional roles that involve working with other people outside of their comfort zones. This is currently in a radio studio, but she’s also taught the trapeze and is comfortable doing that for the first time! Katt is a co-founder and performer with the Renegade Saints who have been performing improvised comedy shows for 5 years now. She has been working at World Radio Switzerland on the Breakfast Show since 2015 and has her own daily show; Mid Morning Mix.

Senior Producer & Presenter at World Radio Switzerland

Moderator – John Zimmer

Professional Speaker

Professional speaker, public-speaking trainer and coach,  lawyer, lecturer at three EMBA programs, improv performer

John Zimmer has 30 years of public speaking and presentation experience. He has worked for a major Canadian law firm, the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO). Today, John is a full-time speaker, giving keynotes, emceeing events, and training companies, organizations and individuals to communicate more effectively. John also teaches public speaking in the Executive MBA programs at the University of Geneva, University of Lausanne and IESE in Barcelona. John is the co-creator of Rhetoric – The Public Speaking GameTM, the world’s first public speaking board game that is being played in businesses, schools and homes around the world. He also writes Manner of Speaking, a popular blog about public speaking that has over 3.7 million visits. With his improvisational theatre group, the Renegade Saints, John also helps companies discover how “improv” can be used to improve collaboration, communication and creativity for any corporate team. 

WAVE 2020 – Partners

The CWF especially thanks the following companies for their support:

CWF – About us

Founded in 1982 in Geneva, the Career Women’s Forum (CWF) is a non-profit association reuniting some 300 executive women, representing more than 30 different nationalities, professionally active in all economic, political and social sectors of life.

The CWF’s principal goal is to encourage women’s professional development through sharing and exchanging of ideas, promote networking, and influence socio-professional life to achieve recognition and status as active and engaged professional women.

To strengthen the Forum’s impact and reach, the CWF has
developed partnerships with large multinational organizations.

Today, 23 Corporate Members sponsor CWF membership for their women executives across the organization.

Corporate Sponsors

Committee – WAVE 2020

Anne Dafflon Novelle

Federica Stoppa

Kathryne Bonvin-Bercel

Claudia Hurther-Fehr

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