• Comme l’a si bien dit l’illustre Marie Curie, « Chaque femme doit être sa propre héroïne ». Au CWF, vous rencontrerez des femmes d’exception, qui, par leur parcours, vous guideront sur le chemin de votre propre héroïsme.

    Bérénice Remy

    Member since 2023 - Committee Member

    DuPont - Application Development Leader

  • En étant active au CWF, j’ai l’opportunité de créer des liens, de transformer les mentalités et d’encourager chaque femme à oser être pleinement elle-même, authentique, inspirante, impactante. Oser, Partager, Agir et Prendre du Plaisir… quoi de mieux ?!

    Dominique Ben Dhaou

    Member since 2016 - Committee member

    Point North - Founder & Managing Director

  • Ensemble, célébrons la force et le potentiel des femmes et construisons un avenir où chaque femme se révèle.

    Christine Gilliéron

    Member from 2004-2011 and since 2023 - Committee member

    G&G Communications - Founder & Partner

  • As an entrepreneur, the Career Women’s Forum is the perfect opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, connect with inspiring women from diverse professions and backgrounds, and find both personal and professional growth.

    Ellen Kocher

    Member since 2018 - Commmittee member

    Whealthness - Owner

  • Advancing as an individual and advancing as a community, we can, together, contribute to build up a world where women are treated equally, without the extra burden of being exceptional to just be considered good. CWF gives us all the opportunity to engage in this journey.

    Stefania Di Cecca

    Member since 2016 - President

    IBM Switzerland Ltd. - Client Executive Technology Leader

  • La ténacité nous permet d’atteindre des sommets. Adhérer au CWF, c’est se sentir partie intégrante d’une communauté vous offrant de nombreux outils pour réaliser votre ascension.

    Fatima Bayol

    Member since 2023 - Committee Member

    DuPont - Global Senior Buyer Water and Protection

  • Remarkable women are all around us. Let’s get to know them. Let’s be them. Let’s lift them up! The success of every woman should be an inspiration to another.

    Rodica Rosu Fridez

    Member since 2021 - Committee Member

    L'effet A - Business Development Director

  • Rester soi-même est essentiel ! Ne pas transiger sur ses valeurs également. Le CWF est un lieu bienveillant où les femmes peuvent s’exprimer pleinement, librement et atteindre ces buts

    Gisèle Champion

    Member since 2016 - Vice-President, Treasurer

    BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA - Director

October 2024 18:00 - 20:00
November 2024 11:45 - 14:00
November 2024 18:00 - 21:00
January 2025 11:45 - 14:00

Inspiring women to talk about money


Dr. Nannette Hechler-Fayd’herbe is the Chief Investment Officer for EMEA and Head of Investment Strategy, Sustainability, and Research at Lombard Odier, one of our CWF Corporate Sponsors

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